Meet the Staff
Leadership Team:
Headteacher – Mr D Campbell
Acting Deputy Headteacher – Mrs A Arif
Safeguarding Team:
Designated Safeguarding Lead – Mr D Campbell
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads – Mrs C Neil & Mrs S Blundell
Teaching Team:
Mrs P Smijth-Windham
Miss J Way
Mrs C Spring
Mrs A Arif*
Teaching Assistant Team:
Mrs L Elliott
Mrs D Williamson
Mrs Z Masood*
Mrs S Blundell
Mrs S Bartlett*
Targeted Support Team:
SENDCo/Inclusion Manager - Mrs A Suringa (was Stamford)*
Speech & Language - Mrs S Bartlett*
Learning Mentor & Mental Health Lead - Mrs S Blundell
EAL Support - Mrs Z Masood*
Support Staff:
Bursar - Mrs S Spencer*
Office Manger - Mrs C Neil
Site Manager - Mr D Colburn
Cleaning Team - Mrs S Bandy & Mrs S Allen
Midday Supervisors:
Ms L Elliott (Lead)
Ms S Bandy
Mrs S Quamaria
Mrs N Peppiatt
Mrs G Taylor
Breakfast Club:
Mrs S Bandy
Mrs D Williamson
Wrap Around Care Team:
Wrap around care is provided by Treetops and based at Greenleys Junior School
Many of our support staff work in a number of different roles across the week.
The structure above represents the staffing structure at the time of writing but is subject to alteration in response to the changing needs of the pupils in our school.
* Denotes a part-time member of staff