Greenleys First School

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Ardwell Lane, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK12 6AT

01908 314698

Greenleys First School

Where Children Come First

  1. Information
  2. Key Parent/Carer Information
  3. SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)

SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)


Greenleys First School is committed to providing an appropriate and high quality education for all children. We believe that all children, including those identified as having a special educational need or disability have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum, which is accessible to them and to be fully included in all aspects of school life.


At Greenleys First School we recognise that all our pupils are individuals with different strengths and needs. Sometimes we identify children who have particular learning needs that are not being met through the mainstream curriculum. We support children with additional needs in different ways including providing differentiated activities, small group work, pre- teaching or implementing adult support through group interventions.


We maintain a register of children with Special Educational Needs which helps to ensure children receive the appropriate level of support.
The categories on our SEN register are:


School Support – Children who need additional support that involves seeking advice from external agencies outside the school for example: Speech and Language Therapists, Educational Psychologists and Milton Keynes Specialist Teachers Team.


Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) – Some children will have special needs which require a higher level of support or adult expertise to manage and it may be necessary to apply for an Education Health Care Plan. This would ensure that we are meeting the child’s specific needs and that all agencies involved with the child have an input.


The process of identifying that a child might need additional support within school or specialist advice from an outside agency will involve a conversation between school and parents/carers at the earliest opportunity. This makes sure that parents and carers are always consulted at every step and kept fully informed about the help their child is given and the results of that help given.


If your child is on the Special Needs Register you will be informed and will be invited into school to discuss your child’s learning needs. Each child will have an Individual Support Plan. This gives details of specific targets your child is working towards and how we can work in partnership, to help your child achieve these targets. You will also be invited into school to talk about how your child is doing – what is working and what we might need to do differently. This meeting is in addition to our Parents/Carer-Teacher meetings. Coming to these review meetings gives parents an opportunity to talk in greater detail about the support that is in place for their child and to ask questions to give us information in a friendly, unhurried situation.


At Greenleys First we know that all parents and carers want the best for their children and hope they will be happy and achieve their potential at school. We believe that success in education of our children depends, at least in some part, on how parents, carers and school work together and this is particularly important when the child has an additional need. Parents and carers know their children best and we want to take into account your views and experience to increase the effectiveness of any provision put in place for your child.


Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs A Stanford (our SENDCo/Inclusion Lead) if you have any concerns.


MK SEND IAS on 01908 254518 also provide an impartial source of information, advice and support for parents particularly if your child is going through the ECHP assessment process.


Our SEN Policy and SEN Information report can be found on the policies page of this website.


Please click  to  view the Milton Keynes City Council Local Offer.