Greenleys First School

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Ardwell Lane, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK12 6AT

01908 314698

Greenleys First School

Where Children Come First

  1. About Us
  2. Governance


Our school is supported and challenged by a Governing Board, which works with the Headteacher and Leadership team.  Our Governors are an elected committee, consisting of staff, parents and community/local authority representatives. The Governing Board has a responsibility to work with the school as a critical friend and to hold the school to account for the standards and quality of education it achieves. The Full Governing Board meet termly and has two committees, who also meet termly (the Curriculum & Community Links Committee and the Finance, Personnel & Premises Committee). As a relatively small governing board all members sit on both committees.


Click to view:


Consitution of Greenleys First School Governing board    

Attendance of Greenleys First School Governing board for the last academic year.

Consitution of Greenleys First School Governing board committees & link governor roles

Information regarding governor declarations of interest


All documents above correct at time of publication.