Contact Details & Office Hours
The school office is open from 08:00 to 4.00pm during term time. Outside of these hours please leave a message for any member of staff on the answer phone and our Office Manager, Mrs Carly Neil, will get back to you.
Our full contact details are:
Mrs Carly Neil (Office Manager)
Greenleys First School
Ardwell Lane
Milton Keynes
MK12 6AT
01908 314698
Contact details for Special Educational Needs or Disabilities support are:
Mrs Abbie Suringa (SENDCo/Inclusion Manager)
Greenleys First School
Ardwell Lane
Milton Keynes
MK12 6AT
01908 314698
Contact details for Safeguarding support are:
Designated Safeguarding Lead – Mr D Campbell
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads – Mrs C Spring & Mrs S Blundell
If you have any safeguarding concerns outside of school hours, you can contact Milton Keynes MASH 01908 253169/70 (09:30 – 16:30); the out of hours Emergency Social Work Team 01908 265545 or email: