Greenleys First School

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Ardwell Lane, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK12 6AT

01908 314698

Greenleys First School

Where Children Come First

  1. Curriculum
  2. Subject information & resources
  3. Music


Click to view our Progression of Knowledge & Skills documents & our Progression of Vocabulary doucument for Music.


Click to view our Music Development Plan.


At Greenleys First School we use resources and content from Charanga.  Every child in the school has a dedicated music lessons each half-term, usually on a weekly basis. 


Each half term has a different focus and lessons are designed to progressively build the knowledge, skills and vocabulary that pupils need to both enjoy music and to become 'musicians' in their own right.


We also have a weekly whole school singing assembly where we practise and refine songs we already know and begin to learn new ones. Singing assemblies are focused on up coming events and festivals such as Harvest or Easter.