Greenleys First School

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Ardwell Lane, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK12 6AT

01908 314698

Greenleys First School

Where Children Come First

  1. Curriculum
  2. Subject information & resources
  3. Maths



At Greenleys First School, we deliver our Mathematics curriculum to ensure it follows the aims of the National Curriculum. We prioritise pupils becoming fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics and number so that they secure solid conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. Children are taught to reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, finding connections and establishing relationships whilst using mathematical language. Our mathematics curriculum sequences knowledge, concepts and procedures to build mathematical knowledge and skills systematically over time. Children are taught to solve a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking them down into simple steps and persevering in seeking solutions.



Mastering maths means acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject” – NCETM


Our maths curriculum is based upon the principles of teaching for mastery. At Greenleys First School, we see teaching for mastery in maths as allowing the pupils to gain a deep understanding of maths, allowing them to acquire a secure and long-term understanding of maths that allows them to make continual progress and be ready to move onto more complex topics.


Influenced, inspired and informed by the work of leading maths researchers and practitioners across the world, we have chosen to follow the schemes of learning produced by ‘White Rose Maths’

They have brought together a team of highly experienced and passionate maths teaching experts to train, guide, help and support us to be the very best maths teachers.


We believe that everyone can do maths. Maths is a subject that everyone can and should be able to perform confidently and competently. Our expectation is that the majority of pupils will move through the schemes of learning at broadly the same pace. However, decisions about when to progress should always be based on the security of the pupil’s understanding and their readiness to progress to the next stage. Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly should be challenged through being offered rich and sophisticated problems rather than acceleration onto new content. Those children who are not sufficiently fluent with earlier materials will consolidate their understanding, including through additional practice and support, before moving on.


For all areas of maths, pupil’s learning will begin with concrete experience, leading onto pictorial representations and ultimately secure mental strategies, which will allow them to solve abstract problems. When appropriate, pupils will be taught formal recording methods.


Please click on the links below to take you to the schemes of learning for each year group:


  • For Early Years please click on the below link:

  • For Year One please click on the below link:

  • For Year two please click on the below link:


  • Please click below to learn more about our calculation policy:


We are also following the Mastering Number Programme recommended by the local Maths HUB to support our children in developing their fluency skills. This is an additional session of maths that is up to 15 minutes long. Please click on the link below for more information:



 There is more maths around you every day than you probably think! 


Here are a few ideas that your child could explore:


  • Going on a number hunt
  • Counting objects / animals / stairs
  • Cooking / baking
  • A visit to the shop to buy some sweets, how much have you spent? How much change?
  • Sorting stickers into a repeating pattern
  • Organising and classifying toys, books or cars according colour, size, length etc.
  • Play I’m thinking of a number, e.g. is it odd? Is it bigger than 20 / less than 50? Write down the questions you asked, how many questions did you need to guess correctly? 
  • Helping children to learn times tables or division facts
  • Learning number bonds
  • Finding and identifying 2D and 3D shapes
  • Exploring patterns out and about
  • Collecting and displaying data, e.g. how many red cars go past in 10 minutes? What is your family’s favourite fruit?
  • Playing free Maths games on the computer
  • Playing snakes and ladders or other board games
  • Exploring number lines, numbered and blank
  • Solving word problems

The most important thing to remember is........ to have fun!


Mental Maths Overviews:

Reception fluency skills


Year 1 fluency skills


Year 2 fluency skills


Key Stage 1 Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFS):

Year 1


Year 2